Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The easy-breezy Richard Serra

The Matter in Time by Richard Serra at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao defies space. Just as we learned that lines convey emotion, the large sheets of steel that tower over the viewer do as well. The work makes you feel small and helpless. The whole peice may be monocromatic but that does not make it boring. The light walls of the museum contrast greatly with the dark metal. Watching another Serra installation be installed on Art 21 was fantastic. It showed that great efforts were needed to install something that looked so minimalist and simplistic. If Hennessey Williams taught me anything, the best art looks effortless. Ricard Serra does that. 

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the quick comment. What would have actually been more interesting is to hear the contrast of how you actually felt when you saw the work in person.
