Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Stockholder's paradise

While await my Lowe pictures, I have something to say about Jessica Stockholder.
She knows how to grab your attention. The bright colors of the paper she makes  is interesting and textural. She mimicks commercial goods by providing a plastic look to her work. In her Art 21 interview she compares her work to furniture. She says it serves the body and interacts with the architecture of the room. But her work serves no realistic purpose. It's a reflection of an alternative world for her. A brighter, colorful world. I found that she was very honest and straightforward. She admits that she makes her art on whims. She will go randomly to the store and pick out items that she likes and find a way to fit them in. But she has been doing this long enough to have certain opinions about certain materials. For example, she feels that refrigerators and freezers have a warm connotation because they remind her of food and family. Yet, they are literally cold. Stockholder uses these items as a medium to express her positivity. And that is what comes through. Just as Stockholder intended, I felt a pleasure when I saw her work.

Here are some pictures:

This one was actually at Art Basel.
This is my favorite because she takes her work out onto the street
in everyday life.

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