Friday, July 5, 2013

A more beautiful world

"I think my main goal is to try to photograph landscape such a way so that history could be suggested through the landscape, whether industrial history or my personal history."
-An-My Lê

Today I watched an Art 21 film on An-My Lê who takes photos of industrial sites and army machinery and soldiers. This video was ironic on multiple levels. First, the fact that this small, delicate looking woman seemed unreal to begin with. Second, this video was labeled protest. But she isn't protest anything. She wasn't photographing these grimy, depressing image to expose terrible atrocities or promote environmental causes. She feels that it is beautiful. She appreciates the dark gloom of a mucky construction site. And she portrays that in her photos. She gives every scene a romantic essence. She goes beyond our expectations and gives every setting a new purpose. 


  1. I really liked the way she makes destruction seem beautiful at first glance. Personally I can't read too much into these photos because I start to get a little gloomy thinking of exactly what is going on in the photo. Perhaps it is her goal to have us dig deeper, get intrigued. I like this type of "dark" art.
